Beiträge von selinaQ


    sorry for the english. I have been searching for information regarding my situation without any luck. Essentially after a few years, my german partner and I are separating amicably. We never ended up marrying, and I have sole care of my child from a previous relationship in my home country that we never receive maintenance from.

    My ex is happy to continue to maintain us to an extent, however I'm not sure how if there is any specific way that we can categorise this form of maintenance. Since technically it is not divorce alimony or biological child maintenance.

    I heard that under Realsplitting regulations, it is possible to claim up to 13k per year from the sender in tax deductions, however maybe this is only for those legally married/divorced?

    Does anyone know of the best way to go about registering these payments, and if there's any possible way to claim tax deductions? Otherwise I believe I would be subject to "geschenk" tax obligations which are fairly high.

    If not my next line of thought is that it would be better for him to simply pay for the insurance and tuition bills rather than paying me anything directly.

    Would appreciate any guidance on this. thanks!